Mission Statement

At Rebel MFA Publications, we believe in publishing work from authors whose stories have an impact on things other than profit. In fact, we prefer it.

For too long, gatekeepers have told authors what they can and can't publish. They have told authors which stories belong on shelves and which stories are deemed "important."

At Rebel MFA Publications, we disagree with that model.

We throw out all the traditional rules.

No agent? No problem. No MFA under your belt? That's okay. No book awards to name? Not to worry.

We embrace the rebels. The misfits. The people who believe they don't belong.

You belong here. Come on in and take a rest. You'll find yourself right at home.

Latest Release

now available

It's time to reclaim, retell, and rewrite your story, your way.



The Augurly

for those who love words + spirit

The Augurly is a monthly free e-zine co-written and produced by authors Allison Kendall and Jade Eby.

Together, they write about the intersectionality of authorship, spirituality, life, and what it means to be a human being in today's world.

The Augurly is currently open for submissions. Click here to see the submission guidelines.